Saturday, June 03, 2006

The Need For Luggage Tags In Today's World

by Jake M. Robinson

Ever since the world innovated faster and better means of communication and transportation, the concept of tags emerged. Tags are nothing but means of identification of the baggage or belongings, often carried by the people while traveling. Luggage tags are exclusively used by the aviation industry, transporting company and travel agencies. Use of these tags prevents the possibility of the loss of luggage or from theft.

Luggage tags come often in bright color, different style or appearance making them unique and distinct than others. They list the name, address and phone number (residential/cell phones) of the person who owns the luggage.

Luggage tags prove to be of great help in many ways:

- Easier and immediate identification of the baggage on the carousel.

- Minimizes the possibility of your baggage being carried away by someone else in confusion.

- Keeps your bag from being stolen, for if caught, they can't pretend that they thought it to be theirs. (Generally baggage without tags are seen in such cases, resulting in the possession of a wrong person)

- You can claim it to be yours if been seen to be carried away by the stranger.

- In case the baggage is lost, it helps the staff and fellow passengers looking for it to identify with your tag. There are different categories of tags available:

- Plastic Luggage tags - These Tags are now available in Metallic Gold, Metallic Silver, green, yellow, red and orange, which help to identify your baggage more easily.

- Fire/EMS Luggage tags - These are especially for those people who answer the call when the life of their beloved one is in danger. They are not fire proof.

- Freedom Luggage tags - They exhibit the symbols of your freedom.

- US Military Luggage tags - Show our pride with the Defense force and Marine Cops Baggage tags.

- Airline Silhouettes - These are specially made to serve the purpose of the aviation industry. These are especially for the popular jets.

There are also other types of tags available like Nickel plated Luggage Tag, Explorer Luggage Tag, House Luggage Tag, Globe Trotter Business Card Luggage Tag, etc.

Luggage tags are very important for both industry and the person traveling to maintain the smooth service, transportation and avoid the lose of important belongings. It is suggested to put the Luggage tag on both outside and inside of the luggage to keep it safe.

About the Author

Jake M. Robinson writes about travel related topics. Info on luggage tags and personalized luggage tags.


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