When the little one arrives, diaper bags are a must. This can be anything from a bag specifically designed for this purpose to an oversized shoulder bag with a lot of extra compartments. The truth is that there is no universal rule for diaper bags and how they should look. In fact, they can be very stylish and even affordable.
When shopping for diaper bags, you may sometimes end up paying more for a bag just because of it's intended purpose. The truth is that you can often find a bag, with just as much possibility, for a lot less money if you know what to look for.
What are diaper bags? Basically, these are bags that you take with you that include baby items, such as diapers, powders, baby wipes and a change of clothes for the little one incase of an accident. Just because you are sporting a bag full of diapers doesn't mean that you cannot do it with style. Shopping for diaper bags can be as easy as either visiting the infant section of a local retail or online store, but it can also be as simple as a stroll through the purse aisle.
Consider purchasing a large leather shoulder bag with internal compartments and lots of space. One thing that all diaper bags must have in common, regardless of their design, is a snap or zip closure. This will help to prevent the baby's things from accidentally falling out or rolling away if the bag slips off of your shoulder. And, this can happen, especially when your priority is holding onto a squirming baby and you aren't paying attention to much else. The main thing is to keep your child in your arms at all cost and if that means dropping a few diaper bags, then it helps to have a secured closure so that the contents of the bag will stay safe.
You can find diaper bags, or purses that can be used for that purpose, at any one of the many online stores carrying purses. You can often find a terrific sale on popular designs, which makes the deal even sweeter. One of the important considerations when shopping for diaper bags is their comfort. You will be spending a lot of time toting this bag, so you want and need for it to be comfortable. It should be large enough to hold all of the necessary items, but without being overly bulky or awkward.
About the Author
Want to learn more about diaper bags? Make sure you visit our site at: http://www.diaperbagreview.info for access to additional diaper bags tips and information.
DSN Retailing Today,
March 27, 2006 by
Kelly NolanConsumers can shop at a variety of places, from mass market to specialty retailers, to make sure that their latest hosiery purchase stays wearable as long as possible. Victoria's Secret sells a bubble-shaped delicates wash bag with a cotton knit mesh exterior and foam lining for $10. Bed Bath & Beyond has reconfigured its bag into a round cylinder design to accommodate more pieces. It rings in at $4.99.
Other retailers add a little something extra for consumers. For example, JCPenney sells its lingerie bags in pairs. The retailer packages both a medium and large bag together for $15. Nordstrom sells an exclusive hosiery wash with its mesh delicates bag for $10. The company also has a two-compartment intimates wash bag for $11.50.
Colors and fabrications of the bags do not tend to vary. All lingerie bags come in white and in a mesh fabric. Mesh bags are water penetrable, but still sturdy enough to protect hosiery and other intimates from further damage in the washing machine.
Methods of opening and closing bags do differ, however. Nordstrom's bag has a drawstring closure, while bags from JCPenney and Victoria's Secret both have washer-safe zippers.
COPYRIGHT 2006 Reproduced with permission of the copyright holder. Further reproduction or distribution is prohibited without permission.COPYRIGHT 2006 Gale Group
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Fabric Holiday Bagsby: Joyce Moseley Pierce - 641 wordsAs my children were growing up, it always bothered meto buy wrapping paper only to see it ripped open andthrown in the fireplace or trash after Christmas gifts were opened. I tried using comics but soon discovered I didn't like the black newsprint it left on my hands andeveryone else's. For me, gift wrap was right up therewith fireworks - we spent good money only to see itgo up in smoke. I began to look for a solution.I bought craft paper and stenciled things on it, butstill, I felt the paper was going to waste. Then oneyear after Christmas I saw holiday fabric on sale andhad an idea! I bought yard after yard of it on clearance and brought it home to make gift bags.I cut the fabric in various sizes. Sometimes I onlygot 2-3 bags out of a yard, but I knew that they wouldbe able to hold the bigger items, and better yet - I wouldbe able to reuse them next year. I basically cut and sewed them like a pillowcase. I sewed a seam up three sides and left the top open. Then I turned that edge in slightlyand stitched it on the machine to finish it off. Then I folded it in about 3 inches (or more on bigger bags)and hemmed it. I then put another row of stitchingabout a half inch above that one to create a casingfor the ribbon. I slipped a piece of ribbon through thecasing and tied it shut. If you have nosey kids, youmay want to tie a knot!Once the gifts are stuffed in the fabricbags and poofed up with tissue paper, stand them up around the tree and enjoy your creative artwork! They looklike miniature Santa bags. The best thing, besidesthe fact that in the long run you are saving moneyby not buying wrapping paper, is that you don't spendhours wrapping the gifts and don't need scotch tapeor bows. One satin ribbon will last the lifetime ofthe bag. I still use gift tags and punch a hole in them sothey can be run through the ribbon. You might save old Christmas cards and cut them up for gift tags.At first my kids hated it - I guess they liked thesound of the ripping paper and the big mess it created.As years went by, I was determined to make this work, andfeel I have now succeeded. I continue to buy fabricoccasionally because my family has grown and now includesin-laws and grandchildren. I make the bags big enoughthat I can insert a shirt box, or whatever size Imay be using. Sometimes I just wrap the item with a lotof tissue paper and then stuff it in the fabric bag.Tissue paper allows people to hear the crunching ofpaper and seems to satisfy the need for noise! Tissuepaper is also reusable for the same purpose next year. Just fold it up and put it away with the bags. All of the bags can be folded and stuffed inside the largest bag. You can save space, time, and money.If you have wrapping paper left over from last year (somepeople unwrap gifts and save the paper) try running itthrough a shredder to use as stuffing for your bags. The fuller the bags, the cuter they look under the tree.Use whatever fabric catches your eye or whatever is onsale. I like the red and green holiday fabric
, but I've since incorporated some blue and gold into the group. Even plain muslin or pillow ticking can look good if you spice it up with fancy ribbon. Be creative.
Joyce is a freelance writer and owner of Emerson Publications.She is the creator of "All They'll Need to Know," a workbook to help families record personal and financial information.http://www.emersonpublications.com/pages/843554/index.htmShe is also the editor of The Family First Newsletter, an ezine for families with young children. To subscribe: http://www.emersonpublications.com/pages/848640/index.htm
by Jake M. Robinson
Ever since the world innovated faster and better means of communication and transportation, the concept of tags emerged. Tags are nothing but means of identification of the
baggage or belongings, often carried by the people while traveling. Luggage tags are exclusively used by the aviation industry, transporting company and travel agencies. Use of these tags prevents the possibility of the loss of luggage or from theft.
Luggage tags come often in bright color, different style or appearance making them unique and distinct than others. They list the name, address and phone number (residential/cell phones) of the person who owns the luggage.
Luggage tags prove to be of great help in many ways:
- Easier and immediate identification of the baggage on the carousel.
- Minimizes the possibility of your baggage being carried away by someone else in confusion.
- Keeps your bag from being stolen, for if caught, they can't pretend that they thought it to be theirs. (Generally baggage without tags are seen in such cases, resulting in the possession of a wrong person)
- You can claim it to be yours if been seen to be carried away by the stranger.
- In case the baggage is lost, it helps the staff and fellow passengers looking for it to identify with your tag. There are different categories of tags available:
- Plastic Luggage tags - These Tags are now available in Metallic Gold, Metallic Silver, green, yellow, red and orange, which help to identify your baggage more easily.
- Fire/EMS Luggage tags - These are especially for those people who answer the call when the life of their beloved one is in danger. They are not fire proof.
- Freedom Luggage tags - They exhibit the symbols of your freedom.
- US Military Luggage tags - Show our pride with the Defense force and Marine Cops Baggage tags.
- Airline Silhouettes - These are specially made to serve the purpose of the aviation industry. These are especially for the popular jets.
There are also other types of tags available like Nickel plated Luggage Tag, Explorer Luggage Tag, House Luggage Tag, Globe Trotter Business Card Luggage Tag, etc.
Luggage tags are very important for both industry and the person traveling to maintain the smooth service, transportation and avoid the lose of important belongings. It is suggested to put the Luggage tag on both outside and inside of the luggage to keep it safe.
About the Author
Jake M. Robinson writes about travel related topics. Info on luggage tags and personalized luggage tags.